Ms. Dougherty, as an ordinary citizen, and
a resident of the 23451 zip code it is with little reluctance that I take issue
with your opinion piece which was published in the Virginian Pilot, October 10,
2012. As a member of the Fourth Estate it is incumbent upon each journalist to
broadcast the spot light on an individual with an even judicious beam. As
stated in the title of your essay you know very little of this private turned
public individual yet you seek to fix him in a few tawdry formulated phrases.
For example, in your initial paragraph you have egregiously labeled the
councilman as a “bland”, yet when he ceases to be you call for his resignation.
What occurred in that corner of the Shadowlawn a few Saturdays ago is an
activity which resounds with relative frequency from Seatack to Bayside, from
Pungo to Kempsville and throughout America; nothing more than a husband and
wife exercising their First Amendment Rights as free born citizens of the
Untied States of America. Since you invoked the term, one of the most exalted
of all hillbillies, Larry Flint, was told by the highest court of this land
that the right and practice free speech, no matter how unpopular, is absolute. This
decision incidentally was advocated for and supported by the most elite
individuals within your industry. Finally, the pontificating tone of your
article requires that you yourself look to the Book of Samuel. David for his
sin is not framed historically as romantically as Hollywood would paint him,
but the lesson here is that despite his wicked shortcomings David was allowed
to serve his people. Understanding it is of little consequence to this citizen whether
the councilman stays or goes and it certainly in this instance should not be up
to a reporter seeking to get their byline, picture, and title above the fold,
but the electorate. I do not liken this situation by a salt marsh to that of a
biblical epic and neither should you. What we should do is let a state of
affairs which resides between a woman and a man lie with them and if need be
eventually with the judicial system itself and look towards more substantive
issues to sensationalize, sell
newspapers, and create a buzz.